Summer Ruche

Monday, February 21, 2011

What roses???

I am one of those people who wants the world to slow down a bit. Enjoy the here and now. Stop and smell the roses... even if they are not in season!

  Let me cut to the chase... This new fast past-paced, money hungry world seems to be forcing us to start celebrating holidays and seasons before they even get here. Sometimes we even find ourselves beginning to celebrate one out of turn, such as Christmas.  I just don't picture people in the days of old (insert your own mental picture and era here) putting up their Christmas tree in the middle of November! Sometimes I feel like we treat Thanksgiving Day, as if we are merely obligated to interrupt our Christmas SEASON, by giving it one day a few hours each year, to appear grateful. But! We've even managed to turn THAT into an oxymoron,
This whole thought process, started with the inevitable, and infamous...
      "Spring Fever!"
I regret to inform you, that I, like many of you, have been bitten by the bug. Yes. Me. The woman who vowed she would not remove her large chunky snowflake from the front door, until the first of March, at the soonest! (seeing that Spring doesn't even officially start until March 20th)
   I believe it happened last week sometime, as that is when the symptons started to rear their ugly heads. I remember thinking and dwelling on this very epidemic that we speak of right now as I entered the grocery store... wearing FLIP-FLOPS.
  As I strolled the aisles, I kept thinking of all these silly people that keep saying they have "spring fever", in mid-February, and how they are going to be "so disappointed when we will inevitably get snow next week". I for one, was not going to be one of the disappointed. I would
    "enjoy and embrace winter,
          for as long as it is winter!"
Then I hit the frozen foods section, and started scrutinizing the ice cream. Amid the usual stacks of rich, dark, and evil chocolatey and nutty temptations, I saw it...
  Out of no where, I heard birds singing, saw flowers bloom, and felt the sun on my back! And that's when I knew it was happening. I had been forced over to "the dark side". I was one of the sillies! I mean, look at me... I'm wearing flip-flops in february!
  As I flipped and flopped to the check-out with my peachy goodness in hand, I still felt a sense of guilt for betraying myself in my endeavors to finish out winter, but I knew it was only a matter of time.
  That time passed quickly, however, as I found myself throwing open the windows at 8am this morning, I had the uncontrollable urge to dismantle the snowflake and remove all things winter from our decor.

Hello dark side. It's good to be here.


  1. At least you live where you can open the windows! We got snow and cold temps this morning!! The bug has bitten me for the first winter ever and I'm dreaming of the beach!
