Summer Ruche

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sonic, snot... SURREAL!

This past Thursday, as I checked the weather forecast, I was pleasantly surprised to see sun, with a high of 72 degrees! I did see something about wind, but who ever worries about wind!?!  I then had a perfect vision of the kids and I running and playing at the park with the sun on our faces, and a story book ending with us picnicing on a blanket in the grass.
Beautiful, right?!
I was quickly running out of time to get to the park, however, so I ended up ditching the picnic part and convinced my 3 year old son that eating at Sonic would be the same, because we could still eat outside!
   The park of course is always magical, so let's fast forward to lunch. By the time we got to Sonic, the wind had picked up to "holy cow!" speeds, and the sun was M.I.A.  Melt downs occured after mentioning taking our Sonic cuisine home with us, so we proceeded to eat outside.
   Despite our jackets and hoods, I was freezing, my daughter was bundled in a blanket, and my son had a constant stream of tears and snot that were strictly wind-induced, running down his face, and yet he repeatedly refused to admit it was COLD! The loud giggles and sweet toothy grins from my children, were the only thing that kept me from paying much attention to the ENTIRE TOWN of Fairview, that seemed to have decided to dine at Sonic today. I would be fibbing if I said I didn't notice them all sitting and eating in their warm cars, circled around us and looking on as if they paid to see this!! (Side note: I don't think I knew, until just now, that Sonic was designed to be a dinner theater!!) Whether they thought me to be a terrible mother, forcing my children to eat outdoors in this chilling wind, or just had a good laugh watching me chase our food and garbage over, under and around our table, while the little ones squealed with laughter, I really don't care.
Though our morning did not pan out, as scripted in my vision, it was still perfect. My kids had fun and that's what mattered most to me. <3

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